Monday, February 24, 2014

Letter to a Friend

I wrote this to a friend who had just read "Exposing Myself" and chastised me for continuing to indulge my self-hatred:

“It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.” (Anonymous) 
Dear ____,
How very insightful of you to really zero in on my self-hatred. I’ve spent the last twenty years working with Katie on developing the mechanics of compassion but I seem incapable of finding it for myself. It seems to me the best explanation for this paradox is that my self-loathing is the guilt-price I willingly pay to keep indulging; to not get off it; to not step through that curtain of fire. You are like my friend Carl, who moved away from me at the bar because he feared the person he was sitting next to, the one who’d just told him about the incredible spiritual experiences he’d forsaken for sex and drugs, was a clown who squirted whipped cream out his nose.
Arthur is like the man in the rising flood, driven to the second floor of his house. A rescue boat arrives but he waves it away. “I don’t need any help! God will provide!” A few hours later, forced onto the roof by the rising waters, another boat arrives and he also dismisses it, saying, “God will provide!” Finally, perched on top of his chimney, he waves off a helicopter rescue with “God will provide!” The fool drowns and, when he complains to God for not providing, God says, “I provided two boats and a helicopter!”
Miracles and opportunities have truly been heaped upon me. Why do I not benefit more from them? This, more than anything else, is what I hate myself for. I have been given so many boats and helicopters, so many astounding verifications of the truth…and I have largely turned away.
The manager of a band I was once in told me, “Everyone else in this group argues with me when I tell them to do something, but then they go on and do it. I tell you to do something and you immediately say ‘OK’—but then you don’t do it!”
Fancy egoic footwork, indeed!
My crazy wiring has managed to convince me that enlightenment requires hard work (horror) and forfeiture of the right to do whatever I want (double horror). It’s madness of course but I’ve gotten away with it for nearly seventy years.   
As for my self-hatred being groundless, the fact that I make mountains/felonies out of molehills/misdemeanors is true. That quote from Thomas Wolfe about “Every boy, caged in from confession by fear, is to himself a monster,” refers to adolescent males dealing with the sex urge and masturbation. I, like, relate. I also believe that self-hatred is present to some extent until we are enlightened (an absolute, home-base experience of Oneness). But this doesn’t mean we should lie down and wallow in it, as I seem willing to do. Self-hatred may be universal but it is never justified, just as my own fucking philosophy says; it’s an expression of madness that motivated the offensive thought or deed to begin with, and then blames the host forever for having had the thought or done the deed!
I know this. What I need to do is experience and thereby live it.
And maybe “Exposing Myself” won’t have a happy ending but will resonate and serve as a warning about an unrepentant life. If the goal of art is to evoke and provoke then, based on early reactions, I’ve succeeded. As General Corman says to Captain Willard in “Apocalypse Now,” …”because there’s a conflict in every human heart between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil. And good does not always triumph.” (I would say “good,” which is truth, does triumph, though it takes many lifetimes. Maybe I’m just hooked on this level of being and want to make sure I’m coming back!)
Your post has really given me a much-needed kick in the ass. You’re right, my friend, I AM old enough to drop the self-loathing shit. It may interest you to know that Katie has helped me with the “I am a worthless shit” process from “the work.” I’m getting some very revealing insights right away.
Who knows? Why not? 

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