Friday, August 17, 2007

An Expendable Primary Survival Identity

Human beings possess something unique to life forms on this planet: an expendable primary survival identity.

The primary survival identity is simply that which any living organism most considers itself to be and which dictates its behavior. For a squirrel the primary survival identity is "squirrel." For a frog the primary survival identity is "frog."

A squirrel that drops its primary survival identity and stops acting like a squirrel will not live long in the wilds. Ditto frogs, birds, etc.

The primary survival identity of a human being is the subjective ego or personality, the sum total of opinions we have formed about ourselves over a lifetime. We think the very essence of who we are is our ego/personality.

Unlike the other life forms, a human who drops his or her primary survival identity--the personality or ego--will not only survive but will take the next step in evolution, the greatest advance since the dawn of analytical thought.

The human race is currently trapped in a subjective mind maze akin to the computer-generated dream reality depicted in the motion picture The Matrix. We need to pull the plug on the illusion and discover the real objective world. To accomplish this we need to abandon our subjective egos and allow our objective minds to take over. This is the hardest thing in the world because we are convinced that our subjective personalities are who we really are. Abandoning our primary survival identity looks exactly like death. It isn't. It is the doorway to life.

I define "experience" as: being, free of a survival identity. Experience and Being are one and the same. They are, ultimately, absolute states.

The more objective the mind the greater the experience. The more subjective the mind the lesser the experience. An objective mind is an open mind. A subjective mind is only open to that which agrees with its preconceptions.

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