Saturday, August 18, 2007

Flight, Fight, or Face?

I define "love" as: the experience of unconditional acceptance of what is.

Love is acceptance of what is.

"What is" is my definition of reality.

No one knows what "reality" really is.

We cannot accept what we do not know.

Therefore all human love is conditional (although Mother Teresa's love was clearly less conditional than Ted Bundy's).

The idea is to accept reality as unconditionally as we can (in fact this is what we're already doing!). The more we accept what is the more we love what is.

The more we accept reality the more sane we are.

Sane people accept what already exists. They may seek to change it in the future but they fully accept its existence in the present reality.

Insane people fear and hate what already exists. Their fear and hate changes nothing. Fear and hate only degrades the experience of the perfection of present reality.

Experience I define as being free of a survival identity.

Flight/fear and fight/hate are the primitive survival dynamics humankind has relied upon from long before the dawn of analytical thought. Acceptance is cancelled by fear and hate. Fear and hate are rejections of what is.

It is time for a third and vastly more evolved survival dynamic to be embraced, the lone alternative to fight/flight. That alternative is face--as in face reality. We can only face reality to the extent that we accept it. And to the degree that we accept and face reality so do we experience reality...and love it.

Experience and love are one.

If we seek to love life we must learn to accept life exactly the way it is. Flight and fight have had their day. We cling to them at our peril.

I once wrote:

Life is like the wind it's sometimes gentle sometimes rough
And anytime I hate the way it is well that's just tough
When I can allow what is to be I've found the way
When I can embrace the now I rise above the fray

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