Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Posted 10/28/2013
I have always struggled with anger. Anger is an emotional expression of dissatisfaction with reality. My own philosophy says that reality--what is--is always perfect and that "enlightenment" is the experience of perceiving and accepting that perfection.
I was spoiled as a child. I learned to sulk and pout (expressions of anger) in order to get my way. It almost always worked with my mother. Pretending to be hurt and wounded (subtle expressions of anger) is often more effective than the temper tantrum.
Anger is a symptom of insanity. Getting mad at the way it is does not change the way it is right now. All that happens is a negative emotion is expressed and makes the world a little darker. I once published a newsletter and someone wrote,' There's an undercurrent of venom and people are picking up on it."
It's frustrating, this path. I KNOW we can love each other...but I forget that getting pissed off when we don't love does nothing but drive love farther away.
My definition of that much-maligned word:
love: the experience of unconditional acceptance of what is. 
It's either perfect or it isn't. Reason say stop flighting and fighting the way it is and face and accept existent reality.
From one of my songs called "Bend Like a Willow":
    Life is like the wind: it's sometimes gentle sometimes rough
    And anytime I hate the way it is well that's just tough
    When I can allow what is to be I've found the way
    When I can embrace the now I rise above the fray

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