Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Religion Bashing

Posted 10/26/2013
Watched Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins gleefully bashing all things religious last night on "Real Time." Mr. Maher's hatred of religion and Islam are real stumbling blocks for him. Atheists love to attack the easy targets, like the primitive and obviously ignorant fundamentalist beliefs that Adam and Eve actually existed, the earth is 6,000 years old, and so on.
In his film "Religulous," Bill bravely visits a "trucker's church," a small fundamentalist chapel housed inside the detached trailer of a big rig, and has a merry time demonstrating how superior his thought processes are to the less sophisticated. He regularly subjects his viewers to elitist "documentaries" by Nancy Pelosi's daughter Alexandra, who ferrets out the most ignorant people she can find, films their uninformed opinions, and passes her cherry-picked footage off as an objective representation of whatever point she's trying to make. It's a simple matter to  propagandize in a documentary. You can, for example, "prove" that the entire southern United States is racist--by only filming southern bigots.
"If we can't measure something  it doesn't exist" seems a very weak--and very arrogant--argument. At least have the humility to say, "I don't know."
My definition of an agnostic is an atheist smart enough to cover his or her ass.     

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